Meet the owner
Marques johnson, sr.
when he was a young boy he would watch his grandfather drive and repair his “work” truck. he learned to pay attention to detail, appreciate the results of hard work, and to find solutions to tough problems.
in 2014, after a traumatic injury his passion met his destiny and he enrolled into the cdl program at georgia piedmont technical college. upon completion of the program Marques began his career and worked at several logistic companies driving long haul, regional, and local lanes. he’s worked in final mile, flat bed, LTL, Tankers, and the list goes on. he quickly built the reputation for his commitment to showing up and his professionalism.
in 2019, he started MCj logistics, llc with the same values he learned WHILE working with his grandfather as a boy. with a steady commitment to his customers, he has built a fleet that has a reputation for professionalism, doing things the right way, and being a 1st class solutions based company. he has become a mentor to many and is known to for his passion for instructing incoming drivers.
in 2023, he went back to georgia piedmont. this time as an instructor. he has quickly become a favorite amongst his students.